Thursday, September 12, 2013

10 prestigious universities in America


You're definitely not familiar with the university on this one , guys . Yep! Harvard University . Private university this one , guys , is located in the city of Cambridge in the state of Massachusetts . Located not far from the city of Boston anyway . University that was established in 8 September 1936 it is the oldest university in the United States and a member of the Ivy League . Woah not be surprised right , guys , Harvard University became one of the renowned and prestigious universities in America and even the world .
Tuition: $ 38 , 650 ( USD 367 million ) ( 2012-2013 )
Admission Quota : 5,249
Location : suburban


princeton university
The next America 's leading universities are the University of Princeton is located in Princeton city in the state of New Jersey , guys . The University is a private university and the fourth oldest institution of higher education in America there , guys .
Tuition: $ 42.300 ( USD 402 million ) ( 2012-2013 )
Admission Quota : 5,349
Location : Urban


Yale University
Guys , you all surely know by former President George W. Bush Junior , right? He is a graduate of Yale University , guys . University this one is also one of the 10 top universities such superpower , guys . The university is located in the city of New Haven in the state of Connecticut , guys . Yale University is also a private university and the third oldest institution of higher education in the United States , guys . Yale undergraduate teaching emphasizes unusual compared to other research universities . His undergraduate college is one of the most voters in the United States because it receives less than 10% of applicants , and has created more Rhodes scholars than at other institutions , with the exception of Harvard University . Yale is one of eight members of the Ivy League ( Ivy League ) . Rivalry between Yale and Harvard historic length , from academics to Rowing to football , they are similar to the competition between Oxford and Cambridge .
Tuition: $ 47 , 246 ( USD 449 million ) ( 2012-2013 )
Admission Quota : 6,027
Location : urban


Columbia University
Other top universities namely University of Columbia , located in the city of New York . The University is a private university that has three undergraduate campuses : Columbia College , The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and the School of General Studies , guys . You need to know too ya , guys , as well as Harvard University and Yale University , the university is also part of the Ivy League .
Tuition: $ 44 , 574 ( USD 424 million ) ( 2012-2013 )
Admission Quota : 5,388
Location : urban


Chicago University
Other leading universities are the University of Chicago , guys . The University is a private university , which focuses on research coeducational and located in Chicago in the state of Illinois . Historically universities ya , guys , the University of Chicago was founded by oil entrepreneur philanthropist named John D. Rockefeller in 1890 ; William Rainey Harper became the first president or chancellor in 1891 and the first classes were held in 1892 .
Tuition: $ 42 , 050 ( USD 400 million ) ( 2012-2013 )
Admission Quota : 4,384
Location : urban


of Massachusetts
Guys , no further Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology or MIT ) , which is a private research institutions and universities located in the city of Cambridge , Massachusetts directly across the Charles River from Boston 's Back Bay district . Massachusets Institute of Technology has five schools and one college , includes 32 departments that specialize in science and technology research . Although most famous for his MIT math program , science , and engineering education , the university also offers a program of social science , humanities and architecture , guys .
Tuition: $ 41 , 787 ( USD 397 million ) ( 2012-2013 )
Admission Quota : 6,988
Location : suburban
Stanford University

Stanford University
The next on the list is no Standford University , guys . You must have often mendengan university name on this one . Is that right , guys ? Stanford University is located 30 miles from the city of San Francisco in the state of California , guys . This private university program emphasizes on teaching, learning and research . And his students are given many opportunities to get involved in the many projects , guys . Woah cool huh , guys ?
Tuition: $ 43 , 623 ( USD 415 million ) ( 2012-2013 )
Admission Quota : 6,680
Location : suburban


Duke university
Other major universities located in Durham in the state of North Carolina , guys . Yep university in question is Duke University . The University is a private university offering a liberal arts programs and engineering programs for undergraduates , guys .
Tuition: $ 43 , 738 ( USD 416 million ) ( 2012-2013 )
Admission Quota : 9779
Location : urban


Pennsylvania University
Universities in the United States other is the University of Pennsylvania , guys . From its name you can surely guess the university is located in the state of Pennsylvania right , guys ? Precisely located in the city of Philadelphia , guys . One private university that was founded by Benjamin Franklin , and has four faculties namely Faculty of Science and Arts , Engineering and Applied Science , Nursing , and Wharton
Cost : $ 39,588 ( Rp 376 million ) ( 2012-2013 )
Admission Quota : 978
Location : suburban


California Institute of Technology
And the latter universities are California Institute of Technology ( California Institute of Technology ) , guys . Commonly called Caltech is a private university located in Pasadena , California . The university is also one of the most prominent universities in research . Caltech is famous in the natural sciences and engineering . Caltech owns and operates aerospace complex known as the Jet Propulsion Laboratory . JPS observe the design and operation of many of NASA's space exploration ; did not like the " National Laboratories " ( National Laboratory of the U.S. ) and other NASA Space Center , JPS facility under contract to the government only .